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Tuesday, June 5 

Austin Update

I leave Austin bright and early tomorrow morning, but I am already in love with this city. I'm getting ready to head out and take some pictures, but I had to tell you about supper last night. I ate at Eddie V's Edgewater Grill downtown, and oh. my. G-d. was it good. Monday night happy hour all appetizers are half off, so we drank Shiner Bock and ate appetizers until we could barely walk out of the place.

I can heartily endorse the following.

Tartare of Pacific Ahi
Seasoned with Sesame & Curry Oils with Sliced Avocado, Citrus Fruits and Crispy Onion Crackers

Maryland-Style All-Fresh-Lump Crab Cake
With Spicy Remoulade Sauce

Georges Bank Scallops in Tempura
Wok-Seared Asparagus & Shiitakes, Honey-Black Bean Glaze

Seared, Pacific Ahi Tuna
Soba Noodle & Shitake Stir Fry, Light Soy Broth

We also had a calamri salad, and the calamari literally melted in your mouth.

The Scallops were definitely the best thing we ate, though. I told the waiter to bring an order every 5 minutes until someone passed out, and then make it every 10 minutes. (Bonus points if you know where that quote came from) We ended up only getting two orders, but they were so good. Even with half price appetizers, we still spent $150 on dinner, but it was money well spent.

Now I'm off to capture the city on film compactflash card.


It appears that either someone stole a menu or someone is a closet gastronomic nerd. You are too conservative to steal... so it must be the latter.

He's convinced me. I'm packing my bags as we speak. (Must be hungry)

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